
Friday, July 26, 2024

What is youtube #investment or #finance?

Youtube does not have any tab by the name of investment or finance. Some peoples says some times: they have a large number of investment on Youtube. This is not true. Because Youtube is not an IPO company on USA. Its not a public limited company. If youtube comes to PLC for USA stock exchange or trade zone: than peoples have scope to invest with Youtube. Basically Now a day: if anybody say they have a large number of investment with youtube: you should need to know that they made video and spent huge for making the video. 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Bangladesh quota issue 2024 : 6 days without internet in Bangladesh.

A major demand of students: quota issue made Bangladesh internet offline for 6 days.

After 6 days the country internet is going to be ok : slowly update. 

Quota protester 2024

A division of Bangladesh government suspended the BCS quota for the freedom fighters of Bangladesh (By name) and send the notice to the Bangladesh High court. Bangladesh high court suspended that notice and returned the previous 93% quota for the BCS cadre of Bangladesh. All Bangladeshi students were getting only 6to 7% fighting chances where maximum were getting engaged with Bangladesh cadre services with this 93% issue. For a country overall students were getting 6% general quota: it was quite bad. The students take the decision of Bangladesh High Court seriously and started protest against that decision overall Bangladesh. 

Student protest

At first students were mislead by someone. The regular rules were students would go to the higher court: Appeal division. But they didn't do that. They had started protest on the roads and main roads overall the country. It means and proves they were getting mislead by some one. May be terrorists or terrorism groups were trying to make a massive trouble overall Bangladesh. For the safety and security of Bangladesh state property: Bangladesh police started to force about rubber bullet and tear gas to make disappoint the gathered students on the streets and main roads. 

Bangladesh quota issue :Students protest.

As I believe and saw from 1990 student protest about several issue in this country of Bangladesh: I do not believe Bangladesh police murdered the students. Because anybody can wear the Bangladesh police dresses by making on the garments. I believe some terrorists and terrorism groups made some pre pare police force dresses and started shotgun fire or gun fire to murder the students. They were not with regular police vehicle (Yesterday an international news journal said: a group was using UN logo vehicle). There had no way for me to observe the situation. I live on a remote area and there satellite connections was not available with my flat and building and it was out of my dream: internet would not be stable. 

Bangladesh quota issue 2024

At first I heard some few students got shot gun fire. Some peoples are saying: minimum 301 students has been murdered by shot gun fire or gun fire at this time or within these 3 days. But Bangladesh news society calculation: nearly 100 students include general peoples has been murdered within these six days. The confusions is about to that: I didn't saw from 1990 to still now: Bangladesh police murdered anyone by metal bullet. They always force the rubber bullet and tear gas about to stop the mass communication or gathered students. Yesterday: an international news agency said: the murderer were using the UN logo vehicles. But for any urgency in Bangladesh: Bangladesh police always use the blue color police vehicles. 

Bangladesh quota issue 2024

Without any prior notification : by not thinking overall Bangladeshi internet earners or freelancers, blogger, youtubers situation: internet got offline. Today is the 6th or 7th day and internet came some hours ago which are a little bit slow yet now. The quota protest by university students was 100% legal. Total Bangladesh mobile connection was on. From 2013 to still now: a group always think they will be power off if internet stay active about any kind of protest revolution. Basically power comes from God. People can not make it easily. There have another democratic power is available within the peoples heart inside. For earn that: a person should need to be 100% honest.

Bangladesh quota issue 2024.

A large numbers of peoples are engaged with internet based lifestyle. They had count the loss. Total Bangladesh garments are connected with the buyer by internet only. Freelancers losses huge contacts. Bloggers and youtubers were out of net. Situation is coming to normal now. May be to reduce the numbers of students protester: A group from Bangladesh made the internet is offline without any prior notification. It can be say easily the illegal peoples of Bangladesh does not have valid voter numbers. They are not valid citizens of Bangladesh: which does not have valid voter number. 

Bangladesh quota issue 2024.
Finally students and protesters are decided to go to the supreme court appeal division and the Supreme court of Bangladesh gives a historical judgement. At first they had suspended the high court judgement about the 93% quota and than discussed with 2 leave to appeal application and gives a new decision about the BCS cadre quota issue: 

93% for General students
1% for disables students
1% for tribunal students
5% quota seats for the freedom fighters. 

Finally a gadget has been published from Bangladesh government and now the situation is coming to normal or general. The inner country road transportation was offline. Now peoples are moving from one place to another. Feeling sad about those protesters which had left their lives on the street about this Bangladesh BCS cadre quota issue 2024. Hope God will give them a great heaven. Hope their souls will make a good and better and future administration. 

God loves everyone.


Friday, July 5, 2024

How to find out #youtube video audience. Identify youtube #video geography.

How much youtube pay for every 1000 views?



Uploading one youtube video for your youtube channel is very much necessary and mandatory issue. You can promote your products, affiliate links, sales link with your video easily. See the top image. I made a video with a topic: WordPress mobile friendly plugin and youtube placed my video on popular category. 

The main satisfaction for a youtuber is to get youtuber video on to search results. One of my video is this one which is satisfactory enough. See the statistics: 79% search results for my video. I feel impressive. Because this is the main satisfaction as a youtuber to place a video on to the youtube search engine.

Now lets go for the views and revenue statistics. The video has bene published 4 years ago. Within 4 years I got 48.4k views only. But all of the views are organic. You know youtube pay as a 55%-45% ratio based. Youtube always cut 45% from the youtuber earning. So here the earning is: 

Total views: 48.6K
Total revenue: $211.21 as a 55% (After the Tax cut) 

So Lets calculate how much youtube cut from my earnings: 
$211.21 x 45 / 55= $172.80
So the total earnings are:
$211.21 + $172.80 = $384.01 

So now calculate How much I am getting pay for every 1000 views.

Total revenue($)/ Total views(k)
$384.01 / 48.6k = $7.90 

After pay the vat and tax how much it could be? 
Lets think : 60$ is worldwide VAT and Tax cut. 
Than the total amount is: $384 + 60 = $444

Again: Total revenue ($) / Total views (k) 
$444/48.6= $9.13

So you can say I got paid $9+ for every 1000 views.